SO - it looks like I have been selected as one of five alternates for nuun's Hood to Coast 2011 Relay Team! YAY!
After seeing some of the other applications out floating around on the interwebs, I was floored. The creativity put into some of those was just amazing. There were lots of silly ones, several touching ones, and some that even made you go "huh?" But it was very cool to see so many ladies going out on a limb to try and secure a place on the team.
To see the full list of selected ladies (including my own name in lights), check out the nuun blog HERE.
In my role as alternate, I will step in (Miss America first runner up style) shall one of the other ladies not be able to fulfill her role. A lot can change between now and August, so who knows what will happen.
As you may have or have not noticed, I'm not a huge plugger of products here on the site. The reason I got excited about nuun was because it is a product I use on a constant basis. I love it and recommend it to people all the time. I don't do giveaways for every product that emails me (and I have received a few) because I just won't do it unless I really believe in what they're doing. In this case, I am happy to plug nuun all they want!
Thanks to everyone for your support, and send good vibes that maybe I still have a chance to run!!!
Congrats! That is amazing!
Congratulations! I recently tried Nuun for the first time and I've gotta say I'm a convert. Pink lemonade = awesome
Congratulations! That's some great news. I hope someone can't run so you can run. That looks like an incredible event. Good luck!
Congrats!! I hope you make the final team.
I have never tried Nuun, though I want to
I now know which party I am crashing at the beach.
I just wanted to say congrats on being picked as an alternate. It's great you put the time and effort into applying and it's an honor you can step up if someone else can't!
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