Thanks to the excitement surrounding team nuun, I had a flurry of new activity to the blog yesterday. I gained several new followers, and to all of you I say welcome and hello. Since my blog has changed greatly since its inception, I thought this called for an introduction of sorts. So here we go.
I'm Michelle. I live in Ohio. I grew up in Texas, became an adult in North Carolina, and now I'm exploring my thirties in a small college town outside Columbus. My husband is an academic. I'm a vegetarian. We have no kiddos yet, but we do have three cats and a dog. That's the basics.
Me, my pup Betsy and one of the kitties - Buddy
As for the fitness stuff - it's a new "thing" for me. I only started running back in 2004 when I was invited to join a team for the Susan Komen Race for the Cure. You can read more about that in my entry for the nuun HTC team. My foray into triathlon only started last year. I did one race - a women's only super sprint tri - and I was hooked. I felt like death at the end of the race, but it lit something in me. From that moment on, I have spent a great deal of time becoming mentally and physically prepared for the demands of triathlon.
Indy Mini Marathon 2011
I've lost over 30 pounds in the past two years - most of it in the past year thanks to my tri training. I went from an Athena racer to age group this year. Honestly, I'm not very fast, and I'm not very good at triathlon. My performance is still inconsistent - I'm figuring out nutrition and pacing and gear and strategy. It's a work in progress. But I absolutely love every minute of it. This blog is my place to talk about all those different parts. Sometimes people listen, sometimes they don't - but this is my community of support.
Tri for Joe 2011
I don't do giveaways to gain followers, and I pretty much only review products that I use or tried on my own accord. Mine is a low key, low tech blog about the trials and tribulations of an age group triathlete trying to find her way.
Through this journey, many people have inspired me and helped me. Many of them post comments here on a regular basis. I am thankful to each and every one of them. I follow a long list of blogs and comment when I have something useful to say - not just to say "OMG. ME TOO! You are so awesome! FIRST POST! LOL". I've stalked a few blogs for years and never said a word. I've dropped blogs off my blogroll when the author shows 25 pictures of themselves in various running outfits and full make up when they go out to run a marathon. True story.
I could not fathom wearing a running skirt ::shiver:: (although I have friends who swear by them!)
Most times, I'm a positive lady, but this space provides me to share my insecurities and my fears about this new love of mine, triathlon. The blog started off as a way for me to share my adventures when I spent a summer at Oxford for a writing program - my, how things have changed.
So, again, welcome. I'm thankful you have taken a few minutes to read about my experiences, and I look forward to finding a few new blogs to stalk along the way!!
Give it a good year to find your comfort zone with the three sports :)
Great intro, always fun to get to know a little more about what makes people tick!
Have a great weekend!
Just kidding. Okay, I kind of feel like a total jerk for doing that, even though I assume you know it was in jest :)
Even though I've been reading for a while, I liked the introduction post!
T, you just about caused me to spit water all over my keyboard. HA!
I hated running skirts for a long time too and I mocked them.. now I wear them more than I wear shorts. HA! I always love reading people's triathlon trials. I admire you people, I can't swim and my bike has and a flat tire for three years.
Thanks for making me smile :) I'm not a fan of the full makeup marathoners either...LOL
My interest is peaked on the Nuun thing. I'm starting training for a half so it's on my list of things to check out.
Happy training!
congrats on making alternate. :)I never pictured myself as a runningskirts lover, but somehow that happened. :)
Congrats on your nuunification!!!
Thanks for the intro. That gives me a little context for my reading and commenting. 30 pounds is a lot!
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