
Race Schedule Planned

Okay, I think I have my official race schedule planned. Ready??

Race Location Date
Deer Creek Mt. Sterling, OH 06/05/11
Maumee Bay Toldeo, OH 06/19/11
Caesar Creek Waynesville, OH (Dayton) 07/10/11
Giant Eagle Triathlon Columbus, OH 07/31/11
YWCA Women's Tri Minneapolis, MN 08/14/11
Portage Lakes Akron, OH 09/18/11

Yep - I think this is it. The dates work, and nothing is so far away that we couldn't get up ridiculous early to drive there or just camp somewhere close the night before (except MN of course). It also allows me to do 4 of the Wheelie Fun Series Races, so I am going to give that a shot as well.

Other news - I cut all my hair off. Yup - 11 inches of it. Pics coming soon, I promise (like possibly even a post later today).

And I am officially "non-Athena" this year. The gym scale read 148.8 yesterday. That's the lowest I have been in over 10 years, folks. Wow. 145 was my "super awesome goal" so I think I may change that to 140 or 135. With all this racing, that 135 may happen whether I want it to or not!!! So, kind of pumped about that.

Okay, off to take some hair pics :-)


Matthew Smith said...

It looks like you've got your schedule all worked out! Nice work on you 10.42 mile run too. That looks like a solid pace.

Have a great week!

Big Daddy Diesel said...

I know you have done Deer Creek.

Maumee, the swim is in a protective lagoon, no currents or chop, the bike is dead flat!!! seriously!! Only thing you might encounter is the Lake Erie winds.

Portgage Lakes, make sure you get your hill training in on the bike, its the hillest course of all you picked. You start out on a mile steady climb, followed by a 2 miles decent that is fun, save the legs and let the gravity pull you down because at the bottom, you turn into some rollers, then one hard hill, then its flat the rest of the way in.

Good luck this season

M said...

Thanks to you both! BDD - thanks for the heads up on Portage Lakes. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have put any races on the schedule past August, but you are required to do Portage Lakes for Wheelie Fun! Now I know why :-\