
So this is what Christmas feels like

I grew up in the South. Twenty plus years in Texas, then almost a decade in North Carolina. It's often tough to get in the "Christmas spirit" when it's 80 degrees outside. I have no idea how my buddies in the Southern Hemisphere do it!

This weekend has been a perfect "Christmas-time" weekend here in Ohio. Friday night was the Christmas extravaganza drag show at Axis in Columbus. A former co-worker of mine is a fabulous drag queen, and we went to see the holiday show. Fan-tab-ulous.

Saturday our new furniture arrived. "LOVE" does not even begin to explain what I feel about this furniture. It's hubs and my first ever REAL furniture that has not been either purchased at a thrift store or reclaimed from a dumpster. Really. And I love this stuff. It was like Santa showed up a few weeks early.

Hubs hanging out in the chaise reading the owner's manual for the new sweet-ass furniture

This morning, I got up to go to run club only to receive an email that due to inclement weather, we would be shifting the run to inside the gym (i.e. treadmills). Ummm, no thank you. I put all my stuff down and ran from my house. What inclement weather? You mean the rain and 29 degree temps? Eh, it will be fine. And it was - but by the time I got home and stripped down, my entire body looked like I had a major sunburn. The skin was ummmm, a tad chilly. But I got in 5.8 miles before the snow started. Although I kind of think it would have been pretty sweet to have the rain shift to snow in mid run. Maybe later in the winter :-)

When I got home, hubs and I started a fire in the fireplace, turned on the Christmas tunes, and we got to baking and decorating. Here's the fruit of our labors.

Merry, Merry all. Whether it's Christmas, Hanukkah, The End of the Year, Snow, Heat, whatever. Just Merry, Merry :-)


Jade Summer said...

This is the season that we are waiting for. Bonding with friends, family and loved ones. Happy Holidays fellas.

Anonymous said...

Wow ! Lovely furniture. So happy for you guys !

Quinton J said...

I'm pretty sure Kanye has the same stuff in his house. NICE furniture...and just in time for the holiday season.

Luc Perkins said...

make sure you say happy kwanzaa as well, or else cookie might feel left out!