
Happy birthday to me :-) (+1)

I am writing this post as an older woman. Yes, yes, I am now 32. It happened yesterday -the big birthday. I had a wonderful birthday weekend, too. Hubby took me out to a wonderful vegetarian dinner at Dragonfly Neo-V in Columbus. I completely forgot what it was like to be able to order ANYTHING off the menu in a restaurant. It was almost overwhelming! My veggie ways usually means that in any place we go, I normally have 1-2 options of entree. Here, at a strictly veggie restaurant, I could order anything I wanted! AMAZING! The dinner was great. I do have to say that next time we go, we will probably just order 2-3 small plates and split those. The small plates were a lot stronger on taste than the entrees, and honestly I just didn't need THAT much food. The bill was pricey, but it was totally worth it. An amazing meal.

Saturday we drove up to Loudonville, Ohio to float down the Mohican river. What a fantastic way to spend a Saturday. We got to Mohican Adventures around 11:30 and were in the water by about 11:45. Both hubby and I rented a tube for $10 a piece and floated 7 miles down the river. FANTASTIC. I hadn't been tubing since college, so this was quite the treat. I cannot wait to go do this again. Next time though, we have to bring a floating cooler. Tubing just isn't as fun without beer.

Sunday, my actual birthday, was a milestone. I finished Jillian's 30 day shred! While I didn't do 30 continuous days, I surely knocked out 30 total days in about 5 weeks. Slightly dehydrated and immediately after the workout, the scale showed that I was down a total of 6 pounds from my starting weight. Not too shabby. I can tell my arms, chest, shoulders and back are definitely stronger and more toned. My legs are too. It's just my damn belly. And that's only going to go away with a change in diet. That's the only way. That's the hardest part.

This week, I have 5 workouts to do. I plan to do at least one a day Monday through Friday of this week. My Mom is coming in for a visit, and she gets here Friday afternoon. I will be taking Friday evening and Saturday off as rest days before my triathlon on Sunday and my 5 mile race on Monday. I actually woke up around 3am this morning thinking about the swim. The swim will be a 300y serpentine swim in a pool. Each person jumps in 3-5 seconds after the person in front of you. you keep the black line on the bottom of the pool to your right and swim up and down each lane. (My stomach has butterflies even typing this.) My Mom and Hubby will be there to support me. I hope I do okay!

That's it for now - I really must get back to work. And yes, I know I shouldn't be blogging from work :p

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