

This is how I will look in 3 months, right? HA!

...bike at the shop getting a tune up and new tubes. pick up on wednesday. CHECK.
...swim cap. CHECK
...goggles. CHECK
...swimwear. CHECK (I think)

Still needed?
A guaranteed place to swim.

Other than that, I'm good to go. Getting my legs ready for biking by using the stationary bike at work. My legs are not used to that motion, so 20 minutes on the stationary is pretty hardcore right now. eek. I am REALLY looking forward to getting in the saddle and out on the trail.

I'll swing by the Denison pool early next week to see if they've established summer pool hours.

AND I promised my buddy Darrah that I would do the Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred with her. Day 1 is Sunday. Looks like I will now be setting the alarm for 5am each day. It's good for the soul, right???


1 comment:

Emily said...

Ugh I'm so not a swimmer, it's my reason for never considering a tri of any kind! My whoa moment came just a few days ago when I signed up for a half marathon this fall. It's such a quick kick in the butt once you enter your credit card number :-P

Congrats on your most recent half marathon. I did my first one end of April and originally hoped to run one with my best friend but it didn't work out. Did you two get your end of race picture together?? Ah that's so what I was looking forward too!