
Finally settled in

I am happy to report that we have finally settled into our new home. The only room not 100% unpacked is our joint office. And that is mainly because we have a lot of random things that just don't really have a place to go quite yet. Oddly enough, even without the room being finished, we still spend a great deal of time in there. We chat, work on the computer and say, "We should really unpack these boxes." Maybe I can work on that today. Maybe.

We are really loving Granville. I drive my car maybe once a week. Since I am still unemployed, that's a good thing. Since Mike is really the only one driving, and he only goes up to campus - we're only paying a very minimal amount in fuel per week. I walk or run pretty much anywhere I need to go. Downtown is less than a half to 3/4 a mile away. Campus is only a quarter of a mile. The grocery store is one mile. The area is great for running. There are a lot of hills, but some beautiful scenery. Go out at the right time of day, and you are sure to see lots of deer. They are in our back yard, on campus, on the trails and pretty much everywhere else.

What we can't get in Granville we can get in nearby Heath or Newark. We found a great Amish store this weekend that sells spices and dry goods in bulk for pretty low prices. Heath even has a Sonic! Saturday morning I discovered "Jolly Pirate Donuts", a 24 hour local donut shop. One word - yummo. There are about 75 local pizza places (no joke), and we started trying those out this weekend. The local pizza here is almost always thin crust and cut into squares. I like it, but I am wondering if I will start missing pan pizza soon......

Mike starts new faculty orientation today, and the first day of classes is next Monday. He has his office all set up, and the syllabuses (yes, that's proper) are almost complete. I am so excited for him. He finally gets to do what he's always wanted to do!!!

I on the other hand am still on the job hunt. After two second round interviews for some pretty cool jobs, I have yet to get an offer. But tomorrow is a big day. I have a 4.5 hour interview at Ohio State's Business school. It is a very exciting position, and I would appreciate any good vibes you have to send my way. I'll keep you posted on that.

In the meantime, here's a few photos of the house. We love it. In fact, we wake up each morning and both of us declare, "We love you house!" Really. We say that every day to the house :-) The kitties love it too - I have never seen them happier!!

1 comment:

Ellobie said...

Yaaaaaaay Granville!