
Giving Thanks

I like the way they look alive :-)

Cliche? No. Necessary, yes. Giving thanks, ya'll! My family used to go around the table before we ate and everyone had to say what they were thankful for. I always loved it. I was fine putting off the yummy food to hear what each person chose to discuss at the table. So, in that time honored tradition, and since I will not be with my parents or other extended family this year, I would like to give thanks here in an attempt to have that familial sharing.

I am thankful for my husband and our life together.
I am thankful that all my parents, Mom, Dad, Dad and Mama B, are all healthy.
I am thankful to have so many wonderful friends in Durham and throughout the world.
I am thankful for the love and forgiveness that has been shown to me by people this year when I did stupid things or for stupid/hurtful things done in the past.
I am thankful for having a job that allows me to serve my community while receiving a pretty darn nice pay check.
I am thankful that Mike got a job for next year so early in the season, thereby allowing him to enjoy the holidays a whole lot more.
I am thankful for my three wonderful kitties.
I am thankful that both my husband and I are healthy and happy.
I am thankful to be happy and content.
I am thankful for today and the promise of many wonderful tomorrows.

Oh yeah, and I am thankful for the Quorn Turk'y roll I get to have at Thanksgiving which will hopefully be super tasty and give me my "turkey fix"!!!!!

What are you thankful for this year?

1 comment:

Mrs. B said...

I am thankful for all of the things that you are.
Happy (fake) Turkey day to ya!