
My new domain

Wow.  Sitting in FRONT of a spinning class is much different than sitting IN  a spinning class.  I must say though that I really enjoyed it.  We made it through the class - my five students and me.  No one left til the end. We only do 40 minute classes, and I went about 43 minutes in total.  We had some flats, some jumps, and even a nine minute hill climb.  I was asked to sub on Thursday, so I'll be teaching Class #2 in a little over 24 hours. The hard part though isn't putting together what to do, it's what to listen to while doing the activity.  Music is SO key.  I set my first class up in less than 15 minutes - to add the music: 3.5 hours.  I am sure it will become easier as I get used to the program, but it's a time suck at the moment.  I don't mind though, as this is a move in the right direction for me.  Thank you all so much for the encouraging comments - anytime you're in Granville, let me know.  I'll hook you up with a guest pass for my class :-)

My spin room!


Matthew Smith said...

I wish I could go for a guest ride in your spin class. Good luck getting the music together. That sounds like a chore.

Christi said...

Great job Rock star!

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Later on, I will be taking you up on that