My tummy is full of butterflies. Giant, huge, fluttery butterflies. My first Olympic length race is this SUNDAY. I know I'm ready for the bike and run - the swim is what has me nervous. I know I'll get through it, but I am also guessing I very well may kiss the ground when I come out of the water.
As part of the Giant Eagle MultiSport Festival, I am actually hosting one of the pro triathletes at my home for the weekend. As we speak, the hubs is on his way to the airport to pick her up. Once I have her okay, I'll post pics and name and all that good stuff. But I am super excited to meet her, and I look forward to getting to know her a bit over the weekend.
On Saturday, I will be working in the race expo at the roll: bike booth from 3-5pm, so come say HELLO if you're in the area. In the meantime, I need to read the participant guide book, as this race is a point to point that starts at a local swim spot and ends in downtown Columbus. For the first time ever, I'll have bags to check, a bike to drop off the morning before, etc. Lots of logistics for this one.
With that being said, thanks to everyone for all your support this year. This will most likely be my biggest race of the season, so in reality this is what I have trained for all year long. I have some goals - but overall I just want to finish feeling good. Race report next week - and THANK YOU for everything you have said and done to help me get here today. Really and truly!!!!!
I was gonna ask if you were going to help out.
Its going to be HOT!! Both days
Have a fantastic race! Go get 'em!
You are going to rock this! And hosting a pro? How cool are you?
You will do great!!! Good luck!
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