
(nearly) Summer Weekends Rock

Oh how I love awesome weather. Saturday morning we did have a brief interlude of thunderstorms which derailed BDD's and my planned ride, so I woke up to a text from BDD saying "no go". Which means I slept in til 10am. I'm not going to complain too much. By 10:30 the sun was out in full force. Of course. Instead, I ran some errands then met two friends to go to the Granville Art Affair and Wine Festival. I deemed it "Rose Day" and tried everything bubbly I possibly could. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Post wine fest, we went up to Denison's campus to see the Bluecoats give their inaugural performance for the summer. Very "modern" compared to my days in marching band, but they did an amazing job.

During the performance, my buddy S got a text from a local bike mentor asking if we'd like to head out for a ride that evening. We agreed that some hydration was necessary due to our afternoon's previous activities but we jumped at the chance to get out and ride on a lovely evening.

We all met at 7pm for what was to be a leisurely 20 mile ride. We took the TJ Evans path out past Alexandria then got onto the roads. You know, Ohio is beautiful. With the sun starting to set, a golden hue was cast on everything. It was positively beautiful.

The "flat" ride was a great deal hillier near the end than I'm normally used to. Let's just say the last 3 miles or so were a bit tough for me. The elevation chart is below - and looking at it, it seems fairly tame. But I had some "issues." I made it up each and every hill, but egads. I MUST start doing more hill work. And Granville has plenty of hills....so I have NO excuse. We got in over 25 miles by the time all was said and done.

Sunday was Run Club - a hot 4 miles out at Blendon Woods on the trails and roads. Hubs and I even topped off the afternoon and hiked the Lobdell Disc Golf Course with the pup. Great way to spend an afternoon.

I did not manage to wrangle up a group for an OWS this weekend - BUT it looks like I have two on tap for this week: one on Thursday, one on Saturday. Awesome. I am SO looking forward to trying out my wetsuit!!!

And a huge THANKS goes out to my awesome buddy D who volunteered at the Ironman 70.3 in Lawrence this weekend. She thoroughly enjoyed her experience, and if I don't race it next year I just may go out and volunteer with her!!!!


Big Daddy Diesel said...

Ya, I was a little upset Saturday, it was suppose to be nice when we woke, not raining, and it was great the rest of the day

M said...

Me too :-( About the time we would have been done, the weather was perfect! next weekend, next weekend....

Matthew Smith said...

Sorry the rain ruined the ride, but sleeping in is always AMAZING! There aren't too many hills in Michigan, so i know what you're saying about not being used to them. Oh yeah, I suck at disc golf!

Christi said...

We have some great hills here in Colorado. You should come visit and I will show you all of them!