

Damn you, blogger. Like many others, I posted yesterday and lost the post. It wasn't riveting, so oh well. The cool post is this one - so I'll just re-do it. MEET MY BIKE :-)

Yesterday, I even bought THESE, my first ever clipless pedals for $10 on Craigslist. Craigslist, what would I do without you? You can be a broke triathlete's best friend.

Please send good biking vibes this weekend - I'm going to need them!!! Sunday will be "bike extravaganza" day. I've got a 27 mile 7am ride scheduled with a famous blogger, followed by a trail run with run club, followed by an "Intro to road biking" session with my spin instructor and his wife. Evidently she's a newbie to road biking, too, so we can learn together.

Here's hoping I don't have pictures of scrapes and bruises to share on Monday morning. Happy weekend, all!!!!


Big Daddy Diesel said...

You will be a pro after 27 miles. You also biking later that day too? Nice triple workout your getting in

M said...

The afternoon "ride" will probably be more like "practicing with SPD pedals in cushy pants on grass" :-)

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Gotcha, does your friends have a bike trainer? Thats the safest way to practice, if not, leaning against a wall, seriously, they are not as scary as they seem, and the power you generate from them, you will tell the difference from the morning ride, compared to the ride with the clipons, how much easier it feels.

M said...

Well, I have been using the pedals on a spin bike for over 6 months now, so now it's really just putting into practice on the road. Time to go for it!!!!

Unknown said...

$10 for pedals? Nice. We have twin-new-bike-day. Also, I'm jealous of your riding mentors, ha ha!

Matthew Smith said...

What a score! Now you're set for some great riding with your new ride.