
7 day challenge

A few friends and I are doing a "Get your ass in gear 7 day fitness challenge." Seven days, a minimum of 30 minutes workout each day. All of us had become a bit sluggish post holiday and needed to get moving. Two of us were about to start half training, and we needed to get in gear. We decided to start the challenge on a Friday which meant making a stop at the gym on the way home Friday night. blargh. With a small amount of snow, traffic was a beast. It took me 50 minutes to get from my office to the gym. Normally the trip is about 20 minutes.

I got in and managed to pull off an interval set that I missed because I skipped run club on Wednesday (see...further evidence I needed a kick start). The routine went like this:

· ¾ mile-1 mile warm-up & stretch

· ½ mile at quick pace

· Elevation at 1.0, pace steady, for 1 minute

· Elevation 0.0, pace quicker, for 1 minute

· Elevation at 1.5, pace steady, for 1 minute

· Elevation 0.0, pace quicker, for 1 minute

· Elevation at 2.0, pace steady, for 1 minute

· Elevation 0.0, pace quicker, for 1 minute

· Elevation at 2.5, pace steady, for 1 minute

· Elevation 0.0, pace quicker, for 1 minute

· Elevation at 3.0, pace steady, for 1 minute

· Elevation 0.0, pace quicker, for 1 minute

· Elevation at 3.5, pace steady, for 1 minute

· Elevation 0.0, pace quicker, for 1 minute

· Elevation at 4.0, pace steady, for 1 minute

· Elevation 0.0, pace quicker, for 1 minute

· Elevation at 4.5, pace steady, for 1 minute

· Elevation 0.0, pace quicker, for 1 minute

· Elevation at 5.0, pace steady, for 1 minute

· Elevation 0.0, pace quicker, for 1 minute

· Cool down: whatever you need

In full disclosure, I only managed to make it up to the 2.5 level. I was dying. My "slower run" pace was at 5.0 on the dreadmill and 6.5 on the faster portions. Maybe i had my speeds set too high, but I was about to fall off the damn machine by the time I finished the sprint after 2.5. My warm up was a mile, then I cooled down with a slow jog for 5 minutes. Total 2.56 miles.

Saturday I decided to tackle a video that scares the crap out of me. I have the Bob Harper Pure Burn Super Strength video. I've tackled this video twice. Once I did the 20 minute intro. That thing is easy peasy. After doing that, I thought "wow, this video may be a walk in the park." HA HA HA. I tried to do the full hour workout once prior - I made it 20 minutes in before I had to turn it off. I decided to give it a shot once again yesterday.

In spirit of our 30 minute minimum workout, I did manage to last 31 minutes into the Bob video. I cried. twice. Really. I'm not shittin you. I cried. This man is a demon. I am sure that video will kick someone's ass into shape, but you are going to hurt hurt hurt on the way there. This video will remain THE challenge for me.

I undid my previous two days of workouts by attending my dart league's bi annual dart party. Beer, pizza and darts. Yes, believe it or not, beyond my blossoming tri-skills, I also play darts. The season starts again on Monday, so I knew I needed to get a bit of practice in. It was a good time, just too many wasted calories on Miller Lite.

This morning I opted to skip run club. The wind chill was at 0, and I had no desire to go freeze my ass off. I start half training in two weeks, so I figured i could give myself a mini break from those cold ass runs. I opted for Jillian instead (level 2 of The Shred - my now "go to quick cardio/strength" video).

I also planned out my training schedule from late January through April 17 (the Kansas half). After that I should be able to maintain maintain maintain. I'm excited - having a plan mapped out makes it a bit easier to stay accountable. I absolutely love seeing all those workouts checked off!!!

That's it for here. how are all of you? Keeping up with January plans so far? What's your first big race??


Andrew Opala said...

How can you do this workout outside? I don't have access to a TM :(

M said...

I'm not sure how you can do this one outside, Andrew - that is unless you have a series of hills each progressively steeper than the other. You may be able to alter it a bit with some hill repeats though. Find a nice hill, run up it, turn around and run down it, then run back up it again! Anyone else have any ideas?

Unknown said...

1) you are kickass,

2) no dvd has ever made me cry. i am scared.