
A new PR: 6.2 in 62 minutes

WOW. This morning I ran the Hoover Hustle 10K in Westerville, Ohio. I can honestly say that for the first time I ever, I ran this race as a RACE rather than "just trying to finish." Even in past 5Ks, I have had a tough time due to starting off too fast or just getting overwhelmed with heat, etc. But today, it was a real race. There were runners of all different shapes, sizes and ages. The weather was in the low 40s and the sky was beautiful. The route went around the Hoover Dam and was very scenic!

Anyway, back to MY experience with the race. The runners were all packed together pretty well until about the 1.5 mile mark. Finally, folks were able to spread out a bit. I actually passed people. ME. I passed people. I think this is the first time I passed more people than I was passed BY. Amazing. There were some great rolling hills, and I have no idea where it came from but I got all sorts of energy on the hills. I just went bounding up and even passed folks on the hills. Amazing.

The last two miles I had two ladies that I played leap frog with. They would go in front of me, I would go in front of them, blah blah. It finally hit the last mile, and I promised myself I would not let them pass me. I would see their shadows and just push a bit harder. In the last quarter mile, I passed a few folks in front of me and knew I had the two ladies out of the way. Then, out of nowhere, this other chickie starts sprinting to pass me. Umm, NO. So I put the pedal to the metal and left her in the dust too :-)

When I crossed the finish line, I heard someone yell "One hour two minutes!" WHAT????? REALLY?????

That means for the first time I ever, I ran 10 minute miles in a race. ME. I ran 10 minute miles. I am still waiting to see the actual chip time to confirm this, but wow. I am on such a high. 10 minute miles. For 6.2 miles. I guess all the training has really paid off!!!!!

FINAL TIME: 1:02:52 or 10:08/mile. A definite personal best for me.


Heather Kandiko said...

That's awesome! I feel proud when I can run 10:30 minute miles. Way to go!

Amogharatna said...

Well Done! Passing lots of people is a great feeling isn't it. I enjoy starting quite well back in a big race, just because of the extra kick of ploughing my way through the pack. I enjoy the fantasy at least, of maybe sometime reaching the front.

Amogharatna said...

Well Done! Passing lots of people is a great feeling isn't it. I enjoy starting quite well back in a big race, just because of the extra kick of ploughing my way through the pack. I enjoy the fantasy at least, of maybe sometime reaching the front.

Vava said...

Conratulations! Awesome racing!!!