

With two weddings on our calendar in the next two to six months, I have been spending much of my day dress shopping online. Yeah, yeah, I have a closet upstairs with several dresses that I have only worn once. But I just LOVE getting a new dress for a big event. And both weddings are for very dear friends, so I want to really go all out for the occasion. There are a few problems though.

First, I still don't have a job - or a paycheck. A certain small liberal arts school right up the hill from my home will be making a decision next week regarding a certain very awesome position I am up for. In the meantime, a bank is still holding a position for me shall I not get/accept the university position. No matter what, the week of March 15 I WILL be accepting a job somewhere. But until then, no shopping for me.

Next, I am in that weird phase of training where I get fatter. Yes, you read that correctly. This happened the last time I trained for a half. I start working out 6 days a week, and I get chunkier. My pants are tight and even my face looks fuller. Here's what I'm guessing. I am building muscle, so that increases my mass. But I am also losing no fat (I haven't really changed my eating habits a ton), so I poof out. The funny thing is, I don't think I eat all that badly. Yogurt and Kashi Go Lean Crunch or toast for breakfast, a cup of coffee with that. Soup for lunch. An orange for an afternoon snack. I only drink water or crystal light during the day. Dinner is probably what kills me. Especially yummy stick to your ribs winter dinners. Therefore, the pudge factor isn't so helpful when attempting to look your best for spring and summer weddings.

Combine the two, and its a recipe for shopping disaster. I don't want to wander into a real store quite yet, as I will realize that NO that super cute little party dress in a size 8 is NOT going to fit, and even if it did, I can't afford it.

I am happy to report that I walked outside a few minutes ago in a t-shirt and gym pants. That's a feat in itself. I think it is about 50 degrees outside. The snow is starting to recede, and I even saw little purple and yellow flowers growing in the grass. Amazing. Maybe with spring on its way, it means a whole new season is for me, too. Here's to paychecks and party dresses - coming this spring!!!!!

PS - What are some of your favorite online shopping sites?? I am always up for new browsing!

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