
Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Random Thoughts/Declarations on a Thursday

1) I finally bought a pair of winter running pants today. Like those cute, snug fitting, body shaping, winter warming running pants. I bought a Nike pair, and I feel kind of bad about it. Nike ranks up there (or down there) with Wal-Mart in my eyes, so I have some guilt about purchasing said pants. But they will keep me warm, and they were "cheap" for running pants. The Under Armour ones were just too unflattering, and the Adidas ones were horrid. Nike it is. As bad as I feel about purchasing the pants, I cannot wait to get out and wear them. I think they will make me look like a "real" runner now.

2) I have been within 7 pounds of the same weight for the past 5 years. I may gain a couple or lose a couple, but I have never been more than 7 pounds from my current weight, up or down.

3) I could eat pizza for dinner every day. I adore pizza. It is just so good. Veggie and cheese covered pizza. I love it.

4) I miss having a dog. Don't get me wrong, I adore my three kitty cats. But goodness I miss having a little dog.

5) I still don't really consider myself a runner. Even though I have kept up the habit for over 6 years now, I don't consider myself a runner. That's probably because I still can't manage to run more than one mile at a 10 min/mile or faster pace. Once I finally run a 5K in 30 minutes or less, I will claim the title "runner."

6) I really miss having girlfriends that are close to me. While I adore my home, my husband and my pets, I so miss having girlfriends that I can call at the drop of a hat to go do things with. I know I will get there again someday, but Thursdays make it the hardest. Thursdays in Durham were "Thirsty Thursdays" - $1.50 PBRs at The Fed. Now, no TT. So sad :-(

7) I have never been the maid of honor in a wedding and will probably never be. My current best friend has a twin, so that designation has been given since birth. I have no idea who else would ever give me that honor! My other close girlfriends have other girlfriends they are closer to, so I think that rules out pretty much anyone else I know. That's a bummer, too - cause I would throw one hell of a bachelorette party or wedding shower.

8) I bit my nails until I was in my mid twenties.

9) Although I am no longer a full time smoker, I will still bum cigarettes like a crazy person. Give me more than one beer, and I will ask anyone for a smoke. I know they're bad for me and they definitely don't help when I am in training mode. But damn if those chemicals aren't tasty. Truly though, I have maybe a couple every month or so now. It's not too bad. But that addiction will probably hang around for a long time.

10) I have been a vegetarian for about 5 years. I can never really remember how long it has been. My husband has never known me as a meat eater. That's so strange to me!

11) I miss North Carolina - and Durham even more specifically. A town has never fit me better.

12) I would consider being a vegan if it wasn't for cheese. Damn, cheese is good.

13) I love summer time. I can deal with cold, but I love when it is hot hot hot outside. Oh, summer, where are thee??


Little Miss Chatterbox said...

I always am thirsty on Thursdays! Ha ha. And I'm sick of the cold. >:(

Olive Tree said...

Hi, it's a great blog.
I could tell how much efforts you've taken on it.
Keep doing!

Unknown said...

I miss you so much! And secretly you're my first pick for MOH. I may have co-MOHs but it looks like I won't be getting married any time soon. Did I mention how much I miss you???