
Veggie Sushi, oh yeah!

Last night, Mike and I had Meredith and Stefan over for dinner. Well, we invited them over to share dinner with us - not have THEM for dinner. ANYWAY, Mike had the fantastic idea to make sushi (I suggested sloppy joe's). Since two of the folks at the dinner are vegetarian (Meredith and myself), Stefan is vegan, and Mike as the lone meat eater, we figured veggie sushi would be the way to go.

After scanning various recipes on line, we decided on the following veggies: red bell pepper, mushrooms (portabella), cucumber, zucchini, scallions, and avocado. For the non-vegans, we got some cream cheese and some wasabi mayo. And of course, we had to get the nori (seaweed to wrap the sushi). Mike already had a sushi rolling mat on hand, so we were set to go.

After a glass of plum wine and snacking on some edamame, we decided to try our hand at making rolls. Mike went first - and he did a great job. Meredith went next, passing her "Asian test" with flying colors. I went third and feel as if I cheated a bit since I insisted using cream cheese (helps everything stick together!). Stefan was the last to give it a shot, and after a few random mumblings, his rolls came out to look lovely. A few folks made additional rolls throughout the night, and we really stuffed ourselves. On top of the lovely salad that Stefan and Meredith prepared for us, we had a ton of food.

And I have decided that I doubt I will ever go out for sushi again if it sounds good. Much easier to just make at home - especially if it's veggie. you can prepare all sorts of random veggie varieties rather than paying $5-8 for a standard veggie roll at a restaurant.

I recommend everyone give this a try - it's not as hard as it seems!!!!

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