Mirabelle Hope Brady was born on September 3, 2013 at 12:58am. She weighed 8lb 9 oz at birth and was 20 inches long. She was born at our local hospital, 100% natural with no medication, and we had the assistance of a wonderful doula throughout the labor process. Labor lasted 10 hours, and my wonderful husband and amazing doula were the best birth team I could have ever imagined. At delivery, I was surrounded by a group of wonderful women - my midwife, nurses, etc. It was exactly the birth I hoped for, and the end result was a beautiful and healthy baby girl.
Our hospital stay was lengthened one day due to a bit of jaundice, but Mira received a clean bill of health from the pediatrician the Monday following release from the hospital. Less than three days at home, and my baby girl was already back at birth weight + four ounces. She is amazing, and her Dad and I are totally in love with her.
More updates later, but I thought I would let blog land know she is here!!
Doula Megan, Mike, Midwife Erica, me and Mirabelle
Miss Mira and her adorableness
Hospital photo - she barely looks like this anymore!
Beautiful baby, beautiful name. I'm so happy for you!
Beautiful! Congrats.
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