

Last week's training profile
(I don't track "miles" for my spinning, so the distances are a bit wonky)

Last week was a big training week.  BIG.  For me anyway.  I got damn close to ten hours training last week, and today I am so freaking tired.  This is week 4 of my training plan, and I'll be slowing it down a bit to get in some recovery time this week.  While some people log 50+ miles of running a week, I normally only run a couple days a week.  Where I am really logging time is on the bike.  Well, on a spinning bike.  And yes, I know this does not translate to road time.  I haven't even been on my trainer.  I am up to teaching three times a week at Gville Fitness, and this Sunday we hosted a three hour ride.  We only have 14 bikes in the studio (including the instructor bike), and all but three were filled for the entirety of the ride.  I was so proud of the students and the instructors.

I also met with the former head of Easton Lifetime's cycle club, and we started plotting about ride scheduling for the spring, extended spinning classes and some brick workouts for the spring.  This is definitely shaping up to be the year of the bike for me.  Which is exciting - and very scary.  I know I can do it though, right??

I also got in my first long swim of the season - knocked out 2000m in an hour Saturday.  It is nice to not be terrified of the swim anymore.

okay, must work now - have to earn cash for a new bike :-)


Christi said...

Congrats on your workouts! The year of the bike sounds like a great way to go!

Hey what size bike do you need? I have my beginner bike that I am not using and if it would work for you I would be willing to part with it. Call it paying it forward. Why don't you email me and we can discuss.

Matthew Smith said...

Keep up the good work! Don't compare yourself to everyone else and their training. Do your thing and be proud of it. Way to go!!!