I saw this quote on a friend's facebook status today: "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”
It made me think of someone very special that I would like to give a shout out to - my friend D. I would like to think I helped D get some of the racing bug she now seems to be heavily infected by. Not only did she run her first ever half marathon earlier this year, she has since completed in three triathlons and her second half marathon just last weekend. In less than six months, she shaved over seven minutes off her half marathon finishing time. It took me FOUR half marathons to finally get below 2:30 - it took her only one practice run before breaking that milestone last weekend.
D, congratulations on all your awesome work - are you sure you don't want to do the Lawrence 70.3 with me in June?????
Thanks for helping me remember the lyrics to my song - your continued hard work is an absolute inspiration. I love ya and am so proud of you!!!!!!
Oh my gosh! You are too sweet. Stop! :) I definitely wouldn't be where I am today without YOU, lady! Who inspired me to give this running thing a try anyway? Who got me to the finish line of my first half-marathon? Who made triathlons sound appealing enough that even a newbie like me would consider one?
And I love you, but I will there is no way in HELL I'll be joining you for the 70.3. Unless being a spectathlete counts as "joining" you? ;)
(And to clarify, I've only done two triathlons. Don't give me more credit than I'm due!)
Congrats to your friend! That is awesome that we have another new convert to the dark side! :)
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