
Phone Fall Pics

I've been taking a lot of phone pics here lately.  So I thought I would share some here!  I haven't been training a ton - still taking it easy until I start to go full on in January (70.3 is the goal this year!!!!)  Here's my fall so far, in pics:

I carved a pumpkin.

I met former Secretary of State James Baker in an outfit put together from thrift store clothing.  Cashmere sweater from J Crew - $1.  Jacquard skirt from Old Navy - 50 cents.  Pearls - fake, and several years old. Shoes - Liz Claiborne $15 from TJ Maxx about five years ago.
 I think the outfit was somewhere between Laura Bush and Michelle Obama :-)

I canned all the jalapenos from our garden.  Nine jars altogether.

I went to a bonfire at a friends house.  It was a big, BIG fire.  The topper of the pile was our Christmas tree from last year.  It was completely engulfed and gone in 15 seconds.  I counted.



Christi said...

Great carved pumpkin!

You look awesome in your outfit and so thrifty!

My husband would love some of your jalpenos!

Bonfire looks like a lot of fun!

Yay for 70.3's! That is my goal for next year also!

Tasha Malcolm said...

I love your pumpkin! I am hoping to carve mine this weekend and do some Halloween decorating. Your thrifty outfit is amazing, great job!

James said...

Cool Pumpkin!

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Wow, you have some craving skills