
A good race photo? What?

I adore this photo :-)

I checked online this morning and found out that there was actually a decent race photo of me posted from the JCC tri! Holy cow. I love this photo. I think I may buy a copy and blow it up to an 11x17 and keep it nearby, always, for inspiration. I just love it!!!!!

And I had to post this photo, too - must show off my "Will Run for Beer" BondiBand.

Thank you all so much for the kudos on the race. It was so much fun, and it really lit a fire under me to keep working hard. I love this sport so much, and I am so grateful for the support system you all provide. Thank you thank you!!!!!


Christi said...

Great race photos!

Matty O said...

HAHA LOVE THE HEADBAND! And, well, all I can say is you must have paid off the photographer, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get good race photos like yours!

Looking good! Keep up the good work!

M said...

I did slip the photographer a $20 as I went by :p Thanks, all :-) Matt, I thought you may like the headband!

Unknown said...

you Look So great in those photos!! Nice and strong!! :)

Matthew Smith said...

Nice pics! Those babies are hard to come by, and I'm glad you scored a couple. I always hate mine...

T said...

Those photos ROCK.