
YWCA Women's Triathlon - August 14, 2011

First off - thanks to everyone for the get well wishes. I took half a day off yesterday to drink fluids, take naps, and watch "Labyrinth" with the creepy/sexy David Bowie to aid in my healing process. The day of rest helped, and today I am back at work. I am going to continue to take it very easy - let's just say Saturday's race will be my first workout after a very very tapered week.

In other news, I wanted to let everyone know that the registration price for the YWCA of Minneapolis's Women's Tri goes up on June 1. I'm racing this with three of my bestest friends in the whole world. My buddy Becky lives in the Minneapolis area, and she will be serving as hostess to my little group as we prepare to race together. This race has some amazing
leadership, a beautiful course, and the perq of being an all women's race. If you are looking for an excellent destination race this summer, consider this one.

I am also partial to it because the race newsletter chose to focus on my buddies and I for this month's newsletter!!!! WE'RE FAMOUS! But really, we're all hoping that this little blub will encourage some additional groups of ladies to get out there and TRI!!!!!!


Big Daddy Diesel said...

That is cool!!! I would frame it, I am dorky that way

Matthew Smith said...

You're famous! That's really cool. You guys are gonna have a blast.

Unknown said...

Very cool!! You are going to have so much fun!!