
Race race race!!!

I am SO excited. I feel like this Sunday is my first REAL race of the 2011 season. On Sunday, I will be running the RunCbus 10 mile race in Gahanna. Luckily, I won't even have to run it alone! Fourteen of my run club members from Lifetime will also be racing that day. We've never had this many people from the group running at the same time in one event, so I really look forward to the sharing this experience with the folks I have been training with for months. We're all running at our own paces (just like our training runs), but just knowing I have friends out on the course can do nothing but good things.

A few of us went out last Sunday and ran the entire course - we managed to pull it off in 1:48, but I didn't stop the Garmin at stoplights or when I would stand at an intersection for 30 seconds looking left and right trying to figure out where the heck to go. I hesitated saying this, but I am going to do it. My GOAL for the race is to finish somewhere between 1:30 and 1:35. Deep down, I want to beat 1:30 - that would be a 9 min/mile pace or faster. Can I pull that off? I have no idea. But I am going to try. So there it is - 1:30. That's my goal.

There is one thing that worries me about hitting that goal - or I guess I should say "achieving" that goal. The temps on Sunday are supposed to hit 80. I have run in temps no higher than 45 outside in over 7 months? Running in the 50s-60s-70s may be quite a shock to the system. I know there will be water stations, and I will be packing some Gu Chomps with me - but should I bring my fuel belt?? I'm a tad concerned about what the heat could do. Any suggestions?

Lastly, had a great swim week this week. Including Saturday, I did the full 1800y workout three times. Each time, I shaved 5 minutes off the time. I had company for the first time in yesterday's Masters class, and that really pushed me. I was pulling out 100s a whole hell of a lot faster than normal. My swim coach was pretty impressed! I knocked out my 1800 in a little over 45 minutes while my new swim buddy did about 1200 in an hour. I think having someone in the pool with me will push me a bit!

Good luck to folks racing this weekend!!! I'll be back on Sunday to let you know how the race went!!!!


Christi said...

Have a great race this weekend!

Matthew Smith said...

You're gonna do awesome on your race! I've got a half marathon on Sunday, so I'll be thinking about you while I'm running! I'm a little nervous about the shocking "heat." Hopefully we'll hydrate enough to make it. Good luck, and way to shoot for 1:30!

M said...

Oh, I'll send you good vibes, Matthew!!! (and you posted a comment the other day and I accidentally hit delete on the moderation page - they are evidently really serious when they say "delete"). But best of luck, and can't wait to hear how it goes!

Thanks so much, Christi!!!!

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Good luck, its suspose to be beautiful this weekend

Unknown said...

Good luck! The heat probably won't be in full swing while you're racing, right? Oh, and re: the 1800's: DAMN!