Turk'y? Yep. You read it right. We veggie folks have to go alternative for this festive culinary holiday, and my fake meat of choice is the Quorn Turk'y Roll. Call it full of additives, chemicals and stuff you can't pronounce - but chances are, your chemically laden turkey has some scary stuff in it too. So no comments from the peanut gallery :-)
With that being said, I feel like I have the obligation and the desire to do a quick "things I am thankful for" piece today. Some are serious. Some are silly. But I'm thankful to have both silly and serious to be thankful for :-)
1) I am thankful to have a job that challenges me and colleagues who make me laugh and think. This time last year I was waiting tables. WAITING TABLES.
2) This may be debatable to some, but I am thankful for the changemakers holding public office. I am so proud of President Obama and the agenda he is striving to accomplish. I'm not one of the antsy Dems saying "come on - why isn't everything fixed???" One person cannot change the basics of a country's economy in two years. But I feel we are moving down the right path. I'm thankful that more people will be getting health care, especially. So, yeah, I'm thankful for President Obama :-)
3) I am thankful for my health and the health of my family. As far as I know, my fam and I are doing pretty well this year. I know of several people in my life who have ailing family members and friends. For now, I am grateful we are all holding steady.
4) I am thankful for my husband who supports me in my training endeavors and my penchant for buying things at random off bonktown.com and registering for races on a whim at active.com. Thank you for supporting me, hubs.
5) I am thankful for four wonderful pets who make me smile every day. I love you Buddy, Scout, Allie and Betsy!
6) I am thankful for beautiful home that not only shelters us, but makes us smile every time we come up the driveway.
7) I am thankful for our healthy financial status. I am so lucky that we can pay all of our bills every month, save, and even go out to eat. Also, see #4 above. To not have "money stress" is truly a wonderful gift.
8) I am thankful for two cars that run wonderfully and allow us to travel where we need to go.
9) I am thankful for the friends that continue to inspire me to do better every day when it comes to running, swimming and biking. Without your support, I probably would have fallen off the fitness/tri wagon some time ago. Hell, I may have never even boarded it at all! This is an amazing journey - and it is in large part due to the influence of others. I'm grateful the influence is such a good one.
10) I'm thankful for a good frame of mind. I'm in a pretty good place in my life, and I am so very thankful for that. There have been times when the sky has not been so bright, so I am grateful every day for the smile I have on my face.
Happy Thanksgiving, ya'll.
PS - OH! I am also thankful for awesome blog giveaways, like the one "The Mighty Kovas" has going on over at Midwest Multisport Life at the moment. Go check it out :-)
Nice list. I do like Quorn and also Tofurkey, I'm equal opportunity like that. Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Not all turkeys are chemical laden - we get a free range turkey from a local organic farm. They also raise pigs and cows and we will be cooking a ham tomorrow from the pig. However, I always wonder why we even have to have turkey (or turk'y)? There are lots of super veggies to eat! Happy Thanksgiving!
True, true! There are some dead birds less chemical laden than others :-)
I think that for me, Turk'y is just "familiar" and tradition. Hubs and I have talked about switching it up and doing something totally different, but the call to memory is just too strong :-)
happy thanksgiving!
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