
You have to be kidding me

Okay, so first let me say that I am really really proud of myself for the half-marathon training so far. I never thought in a million years I would be able to go out and run 5 miles in less than an hour, let alone feel confident enough to continue the training until I reach my goal of 13.1 miles. What I have achieved feels really good, and I am looking forward to adding even more mileage to my running log.

With that being said, there is one caveat. Besides being able to say, "I ran a half-marathon!", I thought the training would be a great way to get in shape and lose a few pounds. I'm 30 years old and my metabolism is not so good any more. I have put on a fair amount of weight in the past year albeit after looking back at some photos from a few years ago, I haven't reached the highest weight I have ever been (despite claiming this to numerous people in the past few months). I figured that by working out 6 days a week, running 10-12 miles per week and doing other cardio and strength training exercises three days out of the week - I would be set. Weight would just fall off of me.

Umm, no. In fact, I have lost nothing. If anything, my pants are tighter. I know I am developing muscle. My legs are more toned (the calves look lovely), my butt is firmer, my thighs are even more toned - but my belly, my inner thighs - all still covered in all their fatty loveliness. The fact is that even with 6 days a week of exercise, I am still going to have to diet. Damn it.

Mike has requested pizza for dinner tonight. It's Mama Brady's last night in town, so we will splurge. We will have breadsticks and pizza and garlic sauce. It will be lovely. Then it will be "bye bye." Starting this weekend, the Bradys will be watching their diets. I have started reading "The Mediterranean Diet" and am trying to get some good eating ideas there (meat is an absolutely optional item in the Med diet - if you eat meat, it is suggested to only have it a couple of times a week and red meat only a couple times a month). With Mike recovering from his injury, I know he will want comfort food here and there. And we will indulge sometimes. But on a much more regular basis, our portions will be going down and the nutritional intake will go up. Alcohol consumption will decrease, and here is hoping our waistlines will go down too.

I'll keep you posted.

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