
Where has the week gone??

Sorry I haven't been posting as much as normal here lately. The new job has taken a toll on me - although I am really enjoying it, it is absolutely mentally exhausting. By the time I get home, the last thing I want to do is think and write more. Which bodes well for my Masters project as well - my proposal is due in the next week, and I am busting my rear to get that done as well. Needless to say, I have been busy busy.

I have taken some photos of my office but have yet to download them onto the computer. I will share them soon. I also bought a 5o gallon aquarium to put in the office as well - I will just need to come in some weekend and set it up. It's a beautiful corner unit I bought off craigslist for $100. I'm just afraid my office may become a lounge for everyone else staring at the fish :-)

The big exciting news is that my Dad gets into town tomorrow, and Saturday is BEERFEST. One of my favorite days in all the year (the second is the other Beerfest - hee hee). We have a group of about 13 people going, so it should be fantastic. Keep your fingers crossed for no rain and good times all around. Dad is staying with us through Wednesday, so he will also be going to trivia with us on Tuesday as well - what a treat!

I am really excited to spend some time with Dad and also allow Mike and Dad more time to spend with each other. They've met once before and all went well - I assume it will only be better this time.

Today is voting, masters proposal planning meeting with my advisor over dinner, then halloween costume shopping with Lauren. Busy day. Tomorrow I am taking the day off work to spend with Dad! And Mike and I's friend Coddy comes in from Charlotte on Saturday for Beerfest, too!

Hopefully, at some point over the weekend, I can share lots of pics from all this excitement! Okay, I am going to work work work all day and get ready for an awesome weekend! And I will try to stop using exclamation points! phhhhh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmm..............beer fest! Looks like a good one too. Relax, have fun and drink a Mirror Pond for me (Deschutes).
